Steve's work in natural resource management and conservation is strongly tied to his Christian faith. As an evangelical Christian I acknowledge that God created everything that we call "Nature", and that God placed humans in a position of responsible stewardship over creation. Taking that responsibility seriously is a strong motivation to understand the natural world and to teach, encourage and inspire others to be good caretakers of the land (soil, water, plants, and animals). Natural resource specialties include: Range plant ecology; grazing management; ranch planning; wildlife habitat management; deer herd management; plant identification; riparian management; watershed management; land stewardship issues.
Steve's work in natural resource management and conservation is strongly tied to his Christian faith. As an evangelical Christian I acknowledge that God created everything that we call "Nature", and that God placed humans in a position of responsible stewardship over creation. Taking that responsibility seriously is a strong motivation to understand the natural world and to teach, encourage and inspire others to be good caretakers of the land (soil, water, plants, and animals). Natural resource specialties include: Range plant ecology; grazing management; ranch planning; wildlife habitat management; deer herd management; plant identification; riparian management; watershed management; land stewardship issues.