Landowners are always asking "where do we start?" What do we do with our mountain cedars?"
The guide will consist of a quick-start booklet with step-by-step flow chart, brief descriptions, basic illustrations with website links to details, more information, photos, research, how-to install guides, and videos. The guide will help a landowner develop their own sustainable, long-term management plan that is specific to one's land.
Learning how to 'read your land' is vital to more sustainable land management. Reading your land simply means taking the steps needed to develop a more holistic understanding of your land that includes the pros and cons.
Reading your land should be done BEFORE you set your goals. Once you determine what your land can do for you, THEN set your goals. Using this approach produces will produce longer-lasting, more resilient results because you will be working with the land as opposed to forcing it to be something it cannot or should not be. We will develop an online guide to help landowners read their own land. See the basic steps outlined below. |